Meet Councilor Jessica Sauve

Hello fellow Métis Citizens, my name is Jessica Sauve (Tessier), born and raised in the area.

I am a descendant of Drummond islanders Trudeau/Papanaatyhiaanencoe, Beausoleil/Giroux, and Delaronde/Pewadijwonokwe family lines.

Elected in 2022 as Councillor at Large for Georgian Bay Métis Council, I look forward to providing my experience in affordable housing and green development. I bring project management, leadership, and innovation in those areas and I support harvesting education and initiatives for food security. I enjoy assisting with family and senior supports, I support self-government, and assisting with the applications of potential new citizens.

I am an outgoing, enthusiastic, energetic individual and bring this work ethic to many events and programs that the council has done over the past few years.